Monday, December 3, 2007

Not Quite Sure

Tim and I headed to the notary on Saturday. It was seemingly uneventful as we waited in line for our last document to be stamped. Emmanuel, the UPS store notary, was behind the counter as usual. He's now to the point where he recognizes us: I'm the uptight one (shocker), Tim's the jokey one (double shocker). Usually we have several items to take care of but on Saturday it was simple, one document, one signature, $10 and we were spit back out onto Wilshire Boulevard. We headed next door to Fed Ex where we have an account so I could overnight the I-171h to Masha Ma. Masha is my contact at Holt who is managing our dossier. She is in charge of certifying all our documents and then once that happens they'll be sent to the San Francisco Chinese Consulate for authentication. The good news is we expect our documents to come back from the certification process today which is sooner than I had expected. We might get the authentication process finished by the end of December which would be fantastic and pretty much the best Christmas present we could imagine but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. Having that done means our dossier is finished and to China but that's a pretty big hope with the holidays in December.