We are waiting for the National Visa Center to approve his visa, for him to get a final physical in Korea and for a few other documents to go through in Korea and then we get the go ahead to travel. Apparantly this should take 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS.
I was looking at Henry's first medical info, the first packet we received back in December. He was 6 months old in that write-up, could barely put any weight on his legs, weighed 17 lbs (woah!) and was 26 inches. Now at 9 months he's 20 pounds and 28 inches. Still sounds like a big kid to me. Now he laughs but he's shy with strangers and waves bye-bye. He sits alone, walks a few strides alone, he says mama in Korean (heart breaking for the moment he has to leave his foster mom) and he picks up objects. All in all he's pretty much brilliant.
As for us, we are just waiting for our call. We have put together our strollers, we are waiting for the delivery of our car seat which should be any day now, his room is in order (no we're not painting it) but we've managed to hang some colorful and whimsical mobiles. I need to photgraph those. Here are some bad blackberry pictures while our camera is still being repaired.

This is a beautiful tapestry from India from my friend Elise. I know you can't see it but it's perfect for the room. It has animals and kids on it and also I can hang it on the wall and if the closet door hits it, no problem!

This is a terrible picture before we added the mobiles for some life to the room. Too much white, no sheets in the crib, Tim's computer bag(?). I need to get a better picture on here.
The stroller from my mum. This took about 3 seconds to put together. I love it.

I just like this picture. Murphy spends 90% of the weekend here and I don't know how much of the weekday while we're not home.

Poor little Murphy, he will no longer be the little man of the house.