There have been things happening behind the scenes both on the US and Korea side to get Henry home. We found a more baby friendly place to live in South Pasadena. It's a great little neighborhood with a park nearby and lots of kids. We're setting up Henry's room and meanwhile we got our homestudy updated and sent in our newest forms including the all important I-600 which in adoption world is huge. Henry got his Emmigration Approval or (EP approval as it's called) so we are now waiting for approval of the I-600 from the US, Korean immigration approval and for the final call for us to get travel approval and go.In short we're hoping within 6 weeks we'll be able to go to Korea to get him.
What's happening with Henry? The latest is that he's walking while holding on for support he imitates sounds and is starting on solid foods. I have a feeling we'll be surprised by all the things he can do.
Thanks to everyone who has gone out of their way to offer their support, amazing gifts, words of wisdom, you name it, we are thankful and overwhelmed by the joy and excitement everyone has shown in our journey to becoming a family through adoption. It We hope you're all still as excited when we're looking for babysitters!
1 comment:
I just got your message. Congrats on your I600 approval! Here is the process:
1. 1 week after I600 approval, contact NVC (National Visa Center) at 603-334-0700, press 1 then 5. Tell them you are checking on the status of your adoption case. Give them the Petitioner's Name (you or your husband) and Date of Birth. They can also look up the case with the Beneficiary's Name (your child) and Date of Birth. If they say they do not have it in the system, call back the next day. If they do have it in the system, they should give you an SEO # and let you know when they have sent the paperwork to Korea (US Embassy in Korea).
2. Approximately 1 week after the paperwork has been sent to Korea, call the DC office at 202-663-1225, press 1 then 0. Ask to obtain the status of your child's visa for an adoption. Give them the SEO#. What you are hoping to hear is that the paperwork (on the Holt Bulletin Board we call it Packet 3 or P3) has been sent to the agency (in Korea).
3. Once the paperwork is sent to your Korean agency, it takes anywhere from 4 days to 1 month or so for the agency to return the paperwork to the US Embassy in Korea. Delays are usually due to EP (Emigration Permit) or visa physical delays. If it takes longer than 2 weeks, you might check with your agency. Once the paperwork is returned (DC office should be able to tell you this on the phone), your child's visa interview is scheduled. The visa is then issued between 24 to 72 hours later. Depending on traveling or escorting, you can receive a travel call quickly thereafter.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions!
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